Tranquil Healing Massage Therapy

About Me

Making the decision to leave an 18 year career in banking to pursue a career in massage therapy was one of the biggest leaps of faith I have ever taken and has been rewarding in all the ways I dreamed it would be! After receiving massage myself for many years for a variety of reasons, my heart, mind and soul desired to help others and make people feel amazing the way my massage therapists did for me.

Whether you suffer from headaches, migraines, sore muscles, chronic pain, sleep problems, muscle injury, fatigue, depression, stress or just need to relax, I am here to help! I have a very good understanding of these conditions from my education and many years of life experience along with the valuable experience I gained while working at Spa Elan inside the beautiful Woodcliff Hotel.

I have a supportive family, husband, and 2 amazing boys I was blessed with after years of prayers and pregnancy loss. Losing my precious mother unexpectedly just after I left my banking career and one week before I started massage school was completely devastating, but I continued to press my way forward.

The irreplaceable family and friends I had in my life and the new ones gained through my massage school adventures have filled my life with so much joy! They encouraged me in ways I can't even explain and helped me get to where I am today as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Looking back I never thought I could be this happy, healthy, and filled with so much peace. Massage Therapy has been a huge part of that and I can't wait to help change lives in a positive way through my very own massage therapy practice. 

Transformation healing for your body, mind and soul can be achieved. My heart and passion for healing are applied with every single massage stroke. I look forward to meeting with you and hope to help you on your path to healing very soon!